Nancy Muir

Institution: Miles4Hips & Children’s Hospital Colorado

Affiliation: President & Founder, Physical Therapist

Country: United States of America

Year of Award: 2022

Nancy Muir is a Physical Therapist at Children’s Hospital Colorado and is the President and Founder of Miles4Hips, a patient-driven, collaborative initiative between individuals affected with Hip Dysplasia and the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI). Nancy was diagnosed with hip dysplasia in 2014 and has undergone numerous surgical procedures to improve her hip pain and function. She has completed nearly 40 marathons and ultra-marathons and utilizes this passion for adventures to raise awareness, support, and funds for hip dysplasia. Miles4Hips has become a resource for people to seek out information, education, inspiring stories, and connect with others sharing similar experiences.

Find out more about Nancy and her work with Miles4Hips here:


Dr. Michael Millis (2022)


Susan Pappas (2022)