Dr. Reinhard Graf

Institution: General and Orthopedic Hospital Stolzalpe

Affiliation: Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon

Country: Austria

Year of Award: 2023

Professor Reinhard Graf is a prominent figure in paediatric orthopaedics and is recognized for his significant contributions to the field, pioneering the Graf method for detecting (DDH) which has had a profound impact on paediatric hip health. Dr. Graf's research has been crucial in the field of paediatric orthopaedics, leading to improvements in the way hip dysplasia is diagnosed and treated worldwide. He has authored numerous publications and delivered lectures worldwide, sharing his knowledge and expertise with countless orthopaedic surgeons. His work has had a significant impact on paediatric hip health, improving outcomes for infants worldwide.

Find out more about Dr. Graf and his work here:


Dr. Vrisha Madhuri (2023)


Laura Rutterford (2023)